Friday, October 24, 2008

its funny, people fail to realise that after years standing behind a register, and packing groceries into plastic bags, that i might actually know the best way to get everything they buy into the small bag without squashing anything

today i had a customer ask me to put things in a certain configuration "so they dont get squashed"
well, i did it the way she asked, and lo and behold, they were getting squashed, so she moved them all around. if she had of let me be to begin with, she wouldnt have had to repack.

now re packing drives me mental. i say go ahead if you happen to cop one of the idiodic employees who thinks bread is okay under cans of beans. but when the bags are all organised and nothing is squashed dont move stuff around, and if you absolutely HAVE to, dont do it right in front of the person who packed the bag in the first place. its just insulting. this isnt me being all full of myself and thinking im infailible, this is me saying i know what im doing (ive been complemented on my packing skills) and i dont like being treated like an idiot because you are overly picky about how your groceries are placed in a plastic bag.

Monday, October 13, 2008

so saturday i was working as usual, having a semi decent day for a change.
well that was untill the manager did something insulting and stupid
it appeared some kind of review thing was to be done on me (mind you in the 3.5 years if been working there ive never seen this kinda thing happen before) so they have someone stand there and tick the box on their piece of paper if i smile and say the right things and do all the correct proceedures (you know, the ones i have drilled so far into my mind i could do them in my sleep)
now to be honest, i dont care that this was dont too much. i know im good at my job. ive had 2 complaints in the whole time ive been working, one was stupid and the other was a misunderstanding.
the thing that really ticked me off was the person doing the revue
it wasnt the manager herself
it wasnt a supervisor
it was even someone whos been there forever thus is respected
it was a 15 year old kid who has been working there maybe 5 months, tops.
i found this so upsetting and disrespectful. especially when there were supervisors and such wandering around the store not really doing anything, who could have easily done it.
i have nothing against this girl, shes nice, polite, quiet and decent at her job, but its what she represents that upsets me

congratulations work, you managed to piss me off again