Monday, December 8, 2008

so christmas is apon us

this is the time of year all retail staff dread. not only do we have to suffer through shopping centres ourselves trying to buy for our third cousins boyfriend who she is brining christmas day. but we also have to sereve the agitated, disorganised masses.
not heres some tips to keep your friendly local supermarket check out chick sane at christmas:

  • shop early. christmas eve is the biggest day in the grocery world. every staff member works their butts off. take not of what time your local store is closing and for chirsts sake please come long before then. every christmas eve the staff are stuck till 10 minutes after closing trying to usher the last customers out because everyone seems to think its a brilliant idea to start shopping 2 minutes before we close. nothing encourages us to destroy everything you purchase more then eating into our precious free time
  • if we have a mobile phone, wallet or handbag with us, we arent on duty. we re on our break or our way home. simple questions dont hurt. but dont ask me if i can go find you an extra packet of tic tacs cause there are none on the shelf when i am halfway out the door.
  • dont bring young chilsren last minute shopping. its stressful and noisy enough without screaming, running, sticky children.
  • make sure you have everything before you get the register. and if you bring it to the register, buy it, unless it is ripped and torn and destroyed. i dont care if you got one can of tuna too many or the wrong flavour of cordial. if its still in your trolley at the register i dont have the time or energy to deal with it any other way than selling it to you.
  • be sure of a price innaccuracy if you are going to question it. we dont have a spare 10 minutes to get someone to check it then double check with managers and then get the okay from our supervisor. if you want to question something do it as quickly as possible.
  • smile. be nice, start conversation. it will make our day