Saturday, August 9, 2008

things no check out chik ever wants to hear or see

  • "are you open?" now this question seems logical when written down. but when i am standing behind a register, with the lights on, and am doing NOTHING i am open. i don't just enjoy hanging out behind a register for no reason. also. if there is a closed sign up, lights off, etc, I AM CLOSED. don't bother asking, there is a reason i will not be serving you

  • "how do i prepare this/what does this taste like/ can i use this for this" i'm a check out chick, not a chef. i don't know how each item tastes or how you should prepare it. i stand there and scan things, occasionally i might have an opinion, but seriously, if a checkout chick knows how to prepare it, its probably microwaveable

  • when you dump your full basket on the belt. but don't unpack it at all. okay so this is common courtesy. we aren't you god dam slaves. the least you can do to make everyone's lives easier is take you items out of the basket so the conveyor belt can actually serve its purpose. then once you've unpacked it, put the basket with all the others, don't leave it sitting there for us to move, and don't go off for a walk and start your own pile of baskets
  • "are you closed? well where will be opening up? why isnt anyone else opening this instant" i'm sorry i have a home to go to. i'm sorry that the second my shift is over i want to be out the door. i'm sorry that i don't want to stay back 5 minutes that i wouldn't get paid for. i'm sorry there are no other registers open. i'm sorry i don't know where will be opening next. do you get it though. its not my fault i'm finishing my shift. its not my fault the supervisors haven't got anyone else open. its not my fault i'm not told who and where will be opening next, only the supervisors know that. finally. its not my fault you decided to come shopping at the busiest time of day. I DON'T DESERVE OR WANT YOUR DIRTY LOOKS.

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